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April 2021
Types of Crucibles
Types of Crucibles
Crucibles are ceramic, quartz, or metal containers in which metals or other substances are melted at very high temperatures. Crucibles are available in high or low-form shapes, as well as many variations. Some crucibles come with a loose-fitting cover that releases gases when heating. offers a wide selection of stock crucibles made of alumina, graphite, ceramic, quartz, PTFE, and metals for melting your precious samples. Our list of crucibles is an ideal choice for most metals such as gold, silver, aluminum, etc.
Alumina Crucibles
For a broad variety of general purpose laboratory and industrial applications, alumina (Al2O3) crucibles are the material of choice. Due to its high hardness value, high abrasion (wear) resistance, high corrosion resistance, and low cost compared to other refractories, alumina is widely used as a crucible ceramic. It has a high compressive strength and is resistant to thermal shock. Please contact us if you have any custom needs.